DCT. . . excellence in coating performance
Dayton Coating Technologies ( DCT) provides PVD and Sputtered Hard Coatings for
Tool & Die, Metal Stamping, Medical, Aerospace, Electronics and Automotive Industries.
We serve customers across North America and Internationally from our state of the art
"Fast Delivery" facility in Dayton Ohio. DCT makes precision parts harder and longer lasting. Our unique coatings, edge prep
technology, and surface treatment processes are Ideal for "DRAW DIES" and many difficult
high wear Metal Forming applications. Every coating we perform in our Vacuum chambers
gives parts specific characteristics to maximize performance and tool life. Our unique coatings
can impart surface finishes that reduce friction and wear.  Many customers tell us they could not make a certain difficult part in a die without our unique
coatings. Many coatings look similar, like the popular TiN (GOLD) coating. It is what is
underneath and multi-layered thru each DCT coating that makes your parts last up to 10X
longer then uncoated, and improper coatings. What good is a high technology coating if it
fails to properly bond to your precision part? DCT has developed proprietary technology to
improve coating adhesion under the most extreme conditions. We offer the Fastest Delivery in the industry, and test or trial run parts are always free.
Give us a call, or schedule an in plant presentation to learn exactly how DCT can help you
maximize performance, and reduce your operation costs. |